Card Database and Search Issues

OP Diejoubu! • 2 days ago

All day today it seems the card database has been having issues, applying filters makes the search turn up with no cards. Anyone else having this issue?

macaronman • 2 days ago

Yeah, the whole search seems to be VERY broken. Some search terms work, but others don't. It's completely random. If you search "summon" you get results, but "special" shows nothing. "Dark", "water" and "light" work but "fire", "wind" and "earth" don't.

It feels completely random and makes the site useless for searching cards right now.

Mark bilsborough • 2 days ago

Same here whatever you go to look up doesn't show or whatever you what do get you have to keep typing in again and again until you see everything you where looking for

divilspeed • 2 days ago

yup, Going to presume they're updating the system, but yes currently not a single search feature works

divilspeed • 1 day ago

appears to have fixed now