Master Duel offline AI deck

OP Yasyah • 1 month ago


Hello, do you know Master Duel offline mod (by pixeltris)? This mod (still) allow you to play against player and even AI! You can play against AI with chosen deck (by you) or randomly chosen from specific folder. The random pick deck system also works on sub-folder, means you do not need to put the ydk or json file in just 1 folder. This mod is the best game mod for AI enjoyer like me.


So I want to share deck I built for AI. I always test the deck to make sure the AI can do the intended combo and strategy. AI can’t handle complex combo and choice, so the deck I built mostly has simple combo and strategy with decent card portion. Another problem with AI is it won’t use certain cards which either the AI can’t comprehend the archetype combo/strategy or it just offers too many choices. Having to many choices can confuse the AI and even cause them to misplay, means the combo messed up and not the builder intended.


All of my deck here is meant for AI in Master Duel offline. My AI deck mostly has simple combo and strategy, means the pace is slower than current modern Yu-Gi-Oh. Therfore, my deck might enjoyable for classic Yugioh enthusiast whom enjoy slow pace game. If there’s problem with the deck, you can just comment in the deck page. If you have request or suggestion what deck I should make next, just comment in this thread. If you like my deck and like to get update, you can follow me. You can check all of my decks by clicking my profile. Thank you.


P.S.  I will not making deck that related to pendulum and link monster since I haven't watch the related animes nor play their archetype.


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TheEggedWegger • 1 week ago - (edited 1 week ago)

I used to make decks in Link Evolution and use the helper tool that's online to have them duel against each other. If that's anything to go by probably for the best to not do links anyway honestly. The AI in that game at least had a tendency to do it seemingly just because it can which would cause a lot of questionable decisions and bizarre misplays thanks to how generic links are.


I am about to start doing more in Master Duel's offline client. Any tips you've noticed as far as what to avoid giving the AI?


Edit: Also any suggestions regarding the AI settings in the duel set-up to produce better games?

OP Yasyah • 1 week ago - (edited 1 week ago)


Hello TheEggedWegger , it's nice to see fellow AI enjoyer. Regarding your question, my suggestion is do not give card that has broad choices to AI, unless you know how to gain benefit from it.

  • For an example, AI most likely use Monster Reborn in any opportunity to summon (mostly) monster with highest attack from any GY. That's definitely not our reason to put MR in the most deck, right? In this case, card that has limited choice is good for AI because there will be small chance it chooses the wrong card to pick/summon. 
  • Another example is from my Water Beatdown deck: I gave AI 3 Solemn Judgement, doesn't matter when AI will use that card, it still be beneficial for Megamorph play. That card requires half LP cost that can be used as long as AI has LP, means still be usefull until the end. In this case, we can use card flexibility to gain benefit sometimes.

For game/duel setting, I'm using regular setting. For AI setting in the game, there's no such thing, but you can tweak/modify the corresponding file. Modding is not my expertise. I'm using Master Duel AI made by BritishPiper which is better than the original. You can download it from Requiem discord. You can find the discord link in LOTD LE Requiem page in Nexus. If you want to get good duel, just duel them and record it. So it's like deck testing but you have a chance to get good duel which good for content. If you livestreaming, well just go with it, AI is not perfect so misplay is inevitable sometimes.