Progression Partner?

OP MistilArtist • 8 months ago

Hi hi. I've been looking for someone to do the entire progression series with. I'm legit free most days and always wanting to do this but sadly most people stop replying or abandon in the first 2 sets. I'd love to find someone to duel constantly in this format or just in general cause I hate going against randoms who just use meta. If interested message me in Discord: buonny_nephilim

Founder • 7 months ago

let us do it


originalheat • 6 months ago - (edited 6 months ago)


Hey there! It's great to see your enthusiasm for finding a dueling partner for the progression series. It can definitely be frustrating when people drop out early or only focus on meta decks.

Your dedication to the format is admirable, and finding a consistent dueling partner can definitely enhance the experience. Hopefully, you'll connect with someone who shares your passion for dueling and is committed to sticking with it through the entire progression series.

Best of luck in your search, and may you find a fantastic dueling partner soon!
you can find more teammate in here: dash unblocked/60443/