New Archetype: Mikanko

OP I_Nomad_I • 2 years ago
The following is a small excerpt of deck/article.  Read Full Article

11 new cards revealed for Amazing Defenders

henrystick • 2 years ago
When you equip
Eyres • 2 years ago
Yet another middling waifu-bait deck to pander to people with taste in underage girls :roll:
DagFero • 2 years ago
Damn, Princess looks like a generic 1-card Combo for 1 interruption. Search the Quick-Play that can Summon it, then the Quick-Play has a GY effect to send an Equip Spell which Princess can equip to any monster? Purification Dance is probably the best one going 1st. A monster bounce and protect from pops
Also, Princess is LIGHT Fairy, which mean it can be searched in Drytron for an free extra interruption. And funnily enough, the Equip Spell can bounce Princess back to hand alongside an opponent's monster and Princess can become a Tribute fodder for follow-up. Unfortunately, it can never be Ritual Summoned due to its 0 ATK
Feels like a win more card in Drytron imo since we can already lock opponent out of SS with Vanity's Ruler and Purification Dance only bounce on SS. But who knows how good it actually is
henrystick • 2 years ago
Eyres post_id=104918 time=1660136753 user_id=99049: Yet another middling waifu-bait deck to pander to people with taste in underage girls :roll:'s not you're just fucking weird for thinking that it is because no other yugioh player thinks like that
Soulburst200 • 2 years ago
The deck has some potential, though I'm not going to end up playing them. Off the top of my head, Use Isolde to add the ritual material and pitch 8 equip spells to summon a level 8 warrior from your deck, then use the ritual spell to tribute it for the Ritual monster(the ritual monster can add the ritual spell), once ritual summoned you destroy 8 cards, by doing so dealing 8000 damage off the ritual spell effect. So uh, Mikanko OTK. It if your opponent has less than 8 your still going to deal some damage and wipe their board.
Soulburst200 • 2 years ago
Oops, I meant use Isodle to add Hare the Sword Mikanko, and summon the ritual material from the deck.
Soulburst200 • 2 years ago
Isolde van summon U.A. Play Manager to negate all face up monster effects, then be used as ritual material. It's level 8, so it lets for the otk, and monsters can't chain effects to the ritual spell. That only takes like 3 cards in your hand, so you can play Crossout Designator in this deck no problem.
henrystick • 2 years ago
DagFero post_id=104927 time=1660144947 user_id=94877: Damn, Princess looks like a generic 1-card Combo for 1 interruption. Search the Quick-Play that can Summon it, then the Quick-Play has a GY effect to send an Equip Spell which Princess can equip to any monster? Purification Dance is probably the best one going 1st. A monster bounce and protect from pops
Also, Princess is LIGHT Fairy, which mean it can be searched in Drytron for an free extra interruption. And funnily enough, the Equip Spell can bounce Princess back to hand alongside an opponent's monster and Princess can become a Tribute fodder for follow-up. Unfortunately, it can never be Ritual Summoned due to its 0 ATK
Feels like a win more card in Drytron imo since we can already lock opponent out of SS with Vanity's Ruler and Purification Dance only bounce on SS. But who knows how good it actually is
This doesn't work in drytron because you can't ritual summon 0 atk monsters with meteonis
xcr27 • 2 years ago
Eyres:Yet another middling waifu-bait deck to pander to people with taste in underage girls :roll:
If you instantly jump to this conclusion then theres something wrong with you.
xcr27 • 2 years ago
Soulburst200:The deck has some potential, though I'm not going to end up playing them. Off the top of my head, Use Isolde to add the ritual material and pitch 8 equip spells to summon a level 8 warrior from your deck, then use the ritual spell to tribute it for the Ritual monster(the ritual monster can add the ritual spell), once ritual summoned you destroy 8 cards, by doing so dealing 8000 damage off the ritual spell effect. So uh, Mikanko OTK. It if your opponent has less than 8 your still going to deal some damage and wipe their board.
Man your opponent would need to have 8 cards that have 0 form of interaction to stop you from doing your combo and stay on the field and do nothing for this to work.
Soulburst200 • 2 years ago
Yeah 8 cards is a lot, but cards like Crossout designator and Imperm are used to stop interactions though. It was just an off the top of my head idea for the deck anywayse, and like I said, if that doesn't OTK, it's still going to wreck their board reguardless of if it knocks them to 0.
Eyres • 2 years ago
henrystick post_id=104928 time=1660146671 user_id=29373:
Eyres post_id=104918 time=1660136753 user_id=99049: Yet another middling waifu-bait deck to pander to people with taste in underage girls :roll:'s not you're just fucking weird for thinking that it is because no other yugioh player thinks like that
Oh yeah totally bro, don't get your Ash Blossom card sleeves in a twist. It's ok to bury your head in the sand just make sure you use a straw for air. Go around and show your Traptrix deck to someone who has seen a sidewalk in the last month and you'll be escorted at least 300 feet away from any nearby children. It's a common thing in Anime/Japanese media and it routinely makes people uncomfortable while others like it or don't care.
amorphage • 2 years ago
Looks fun.
As far as how good it is, I probably can’t say.
Anyways, here’s my thoughts on ratios at first glance.
Hare is a three of as searching in any deck of any form is good.
Nini seems like a one/two of, I thought it would be a zero of at first but after reading some other cards I figured it probably deserves at least one slot.
Princess is definitely a three of, it’s pretty searchable and a great in-archetype rota who one card combos in certain situations.
I’m on the edge with the field spell and honestly, unlike most field spells I feel like it doesn’t get enough mileage unless you want to ram into some big monster and reverse damage for game which isn’t too practical in the current format.
Considering legend simply lets you dump princess out with no cost for a stupid setup I feel like two slots are in order.
Flame leaf seems like either two or three to me
Purification seems pretty good to me, probably two though.
Rondo, yoink, two or three to me honestly the way it works with some of the other cards in this archetype makes it very funny.
Kagura, considering that legend can put out princess no cost this card is kinda lacking sadly. I prefer zero here.
Promise is a good setup when pared with nini and equipping purification but at the same time it’s also a trap, but in the end two bounces off a trap is still really good even if it requires a little setup.
Comparison is a card that’s up for debate.
For players interested in trying this archetype:
A fire warrior engine can definitely be used here including the very helpful infernoble arms durendal and the solid boss monster Immortal Phoenix Gearfried
Piri Reis Map is a solid card who can search for Hare.
Standard ritual searches are great with this
Overall, interesting deck, unique mechanic, it’ll be interesting seeing this deck evolve over time.
BorgarTimeYGO • 2 years ago
this deck just screams mid tier
henrystick • 2 years ago
Eyres post_id=104956 time=1660158261 user_id=99049:
henrystick post_id=104928 time=1660146671 user_id=29373:
Eyres post_id=104918 time=1660136753 user_id=99049: Yet another middling waifu-bait deck to pander to people with taste in underage girls :roll:'s not you're just fucking weird for thinking that it is because no other yugioh player thinks like that
Oh yeah totally bro, don't get your Ash Blossom card sleeves in a twist. It's ok to bury your head in the sand just make sure you use a straw for air. Go around and show your Traptrix deck to someone who has seen a sidewalk in the last month and you'll be escorted at least 300 feet away from any nearby children. It's a common thing in Anime/Japanese media and it routinely makes people uncomfortable while others like it or don't care.
None of those words are in the bible